Starting to get a better idea of what I'm going to need to code for the projects menu system. At the moment I'm looking at making a stack of game states that are linked together and can be switch between the states by pushing and popping the states on and off the stack. I'm going to make a rough plan of attack for the code to keep on schedule. I'll try set some goals which I think will be reasonable and use them as a gauge for timekeeping purposes. I've briefly been looking into the situation with physics based engines for the game later down the line past the prototype stage and it looks like there are definitely some good options available, but at the moment I can't say if I will be using them in this early design and alpha build of the project.
I believe Scott has drafted up the designs for the different game ideas. It's definitely the kind of thing that we could continue to expand or add more games into after this design stage. We will keep it as the five we have so far but could potentially add some more.
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