Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Blog 2

We brainstormed some initial ideas for our game. As well as just generally looking into the Highland games to understand what else is involved with the games. It was clear from looking at the specification and drawing on our small knowledge of the Highland games, was that there would be an obvious opportunity for a game involving one of the heavy events. Which I think it is fair to say the Highland games is probably most known for. So a bunch of our initial ideas looked at the potential in the caber toss, stone put and hammer throw. These games would be quite simple in concept since they are also very simple as a sporting event. On the other hand, there are also more common sporting events such as running and the high jump which also take place at the Highland games which we could do instead of one of the heavy events. There are definitely athletics style games out there but none particularly come to mind at the moment. So we will look into these a bit more before deciding which type of game to go with.

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